AgAnalyst Academy

While many pieces of farming equipment have precision features, the reality is that few farmers have managed to demonstrate a systematic improvement in their gross margin.
The uptake of precision farming is still with the innovators and early adopters but has yet to become mainstream.
The purpose of AgAnalyst Academy is to promote best practice in precision farming by working closely with progressive farmers, their advisors and precision technologists in order to accelerate the profitable adoption of precision agriculture.

"Improving farm efficiency and reducing GHG emissions goes hand in hand" Jim Williams, CEO and Co-founder of AgAnalyst

AgAnalyst Academy:
Making Precision Farming Pay
Stand 310a
Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th June
Thoresby estate, Nottinghamshire
At Cereals 2023 we launched AgAnalyst Academy: Making Precision Farming Pay.
We hosted seminars with a range of industry experts and leading farmers who presented thought leadership sessions each day. Seminars attracted both farmers and advisors who are already "on the journey" and also to others who realise that the key to delivering profitable business alongside public goods, will be a more precise approach to current farm practice.
In between seminars we also hosted 'Precise Advice' clinics where audience members could have a chat with precision farming experts from various fields of expertise.

Seminar Sessions at Cereals 2023
SESSION 1: Must-see machines to help you farm more precisely
Satellite Remote Sensing
Protein Monitor
SPAD Meters
Variable Rate Seed Drills
Soil Probes
Weather Stations
Spray Nozzles
Control Systems
SESSION 2: Farm Data Integration: Organising your field data for success​
Covering the unmet need in global agriculture with case studies from the UK and abroad.
SESSION 3: Nitrogen Use Efficiency​
The new KPI for cereals after yield and protein.
Scale of opportunity for improving NUE on every farm.